Darjeeling town in West Bengal State of North-east India in Himalayan region is surrounded by neighboring countries viz Bhutan, Nepal the border of Sikkim state. Its world famous product is tea, a major cash crop in the region. The town is the administrative center for the Darjeeling Gurkha, Autonomous hill council and Market for grains, spices and vegetables.

The name Darjeeling came from the Tibetan word, "Dorje" which means thunderbolt (originally the scepter of Indra and ling a place or land hence the land of the thunderbolt).

Darjeeling, being one of the world famous centres for spices and tea, has proved its authenticity by contributing its delectable flavours, which is brought to you by Darjeeling restaurant. We are glad to put our incessant efforts to prepare the best and most relishing dishes from all over India for you. We believe in serving with love. Our food unveils the reflection of our State tradition and culture which has been passed on from generations.